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We're so excited to meet in person for a Morning Breakfast Mixer.
In August we will be gathering at Butterflihh Farm and therapy center in Marshfield.
FLIHH (Foundation for Learning & Inspiring Health & Healing) founder Sheri Damon, is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with 28 years of experience working with women, children, and families and has consulted or trained in a number of professional arenas. Sheri will share with us strategies on how to practice mindfulness and wellness in our busy lives.
We are all very good at taking care of everyone else, but it is essential that we also take time to take care of ourselves. We always hear the cliche "you cannot pour from an empty vessel" and then forget that applies to us as well. Take the time and use this morning as a wellness activity to nurture and learn.
Join us to learn from Sheri and build upon your SSWBN relationships and form new ones too.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Don't forget, when you register, you have the opportunity to support our Q3 Charity, Father Bill's & Mainspring.