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Business After Hours - The Future is Bright: Every Child Can Achieve

  • August 08, 2023
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Dorchester Awning, 9 Gallen Road, Kingston, Ma


Registration is closed

We're looking forward to our next event on August 8 at 6 pm in Kingston! When you know a child in special education, you can be a part of the team to help them succeed by learning more about it. Andrea Lampson of Dorchester Awning will host an After Hours event featuring Kimberly Redlon, owner of Every Child Can Achieve. Kimberly will provide parents and educators with an overview of the special education process, including the rights of parents, the role of the IEP team, and how to advocate for their child.

The workshop will also discuss the importance of parent involvement in their child's education and provide strategies for how parents can be involved in the special education process.

Kimberly is a highly qualified and certified Special Education teacher specializing in severe disabilities. With a wealth of experience and expertise in this field, she has dedicated herself to helping students with special needs reach their full potential. Moreover, Kimberly is not only a teacher but also a parent of four children, three of whom have received special education services through Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).

In fact, this company is named after her children - Emily, Caleb, Collin, and Ava - as they have been a source of inspiration for Kimberly's work in the special education field. Having firsthand experience as a parent of children with special needs, Kimberly understands the unique challenges that families face and is committed to providing the best support possible.

Her commitment to inclusion and her ability to navigate the complexities of the special education system make her a trusted advocate for students with disabilities.

Join us to build upon your SSWBN relationships and form new ones! 

Light refreshments will be served.

Thank you Andrea Lampson and Dorchester Awning for the use of their space.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Don't forget, when you register, you have the opportunity to support our Q3 Charity,

End HungerNE

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